Saturday, November 16, 2013

Methods for developing heterotic groups

A number of procedures may be used by breeders to establish heterotic groups and patterns. These include pedigree analysis, geographic isolation inference, measurement of heterosis, and combining ability analysis. Some have used diallel analysis to obtain preliminary information on heterotic patterns. The procedure is recommended for use with small populations. The technology of molecular markers may be used to refine existing groups and patterns or for expediting the establishment of new ones, through the determination of genetic distances.
To establish a heterotic group and pattern, breeders make crosses between or within populations. Intergroup hybrids have been shown to be superior over intragroup hybrids in establishing heterotic relationships. In practice, most of the primary heterotic groups were not developed systematically but rather by relating the observed heterosis and hybrid performance with the origin of parents included in the crosses. One of the earliest contributions to knowledge in the areas of developing heterotic patterns was made in 1922. Comparing heterosis for yield in a large number of intervarietal crosses of maize, it was discovered that hybrids between varieties of different endosperm types produced a higher performance than among varieties with the same endosperm type. This discovery, by F.D. Richey, suggested that crosses between geographically or genetically distant parents expressed higher performance and, hence, increased heterosis. This information led to the development of the most widely used heterotic pattern in the US Corn Belt – the Reid Yellow Dent x Lancaster Sure Crop.

Heterotic groups and patterns in crops

Heterotic patterns have been studied in various species. For certain crops, breeders have defined standard patterns that guide in the production of hybrids. As previously indicated in maize, for example, a widely used scheme for hybrid development in temperate maize is the Reid _ Lancaster heterotic pattern. These heterotic populations were discovered from pedigree and geographic analysis of inbred lines used in the Corn Belt of the United States. In Europe, a common pattern for maize is the European flint _ Corn Belt Dent, identified based on endosperm types. In France, F2_F6 heterotic pattern derived from the same open pollinated cultivars was reported. Other patterns include ETO-composite _ Tuxpeno and Suwan 1 _ Tuxpeno in tropical regions. Alternate heterotic patterns continue to be sought.
In rice, some research suggests two heterotic groups within O. indica, one including strains from S.E. China and another containing strains from S.E. Asia. In rye, the two most widely used germplasm three major germplasm pools are available, namely,Minor, Major, and Mediterranean.
Even though various approaches are used for the identification of heterotic patterns, they generally follow certain principles. The first step is to assemble a large number of germplasm sources and then make parent populations of crosses from among which the highest performing hybrids are selected as potential heterotic groups and patterns. If established heterotic patterns already exist, the performance of the putative patterns with the established ones is compared. Where the germplasm accession is too large to permit the practical use of a diallel cross, the germplasm may first be grouped based on genetic similarity. For these groups, representatives are selected for evaluation in a diallel cross. According to Melchinger, the choice of a heterotic group or pattern in a breeding program should be based on the following criteria:
_ High mean performance and genetic variance in the hybrid population.
_ High per se performance and good adaptation of parent population to the target region.

_ Low inbreeding of inbreds.


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