Sunday, November 10, 2013

2 Full-sib family selection

Full sibs are generated from biparental crosses using parents from the base population. The families are evaluated in a replicated trial to identify and select superior full-sib families, which are then recombined to initiate the next cycle.


Cycle 0
_ Season 1. Select random pairs of plants from the base population and intermate, pollinating one with the other. Make between 100 and 200 biparental crosses. Save the remnant seed of each full-sib cross.
_ Season 2. Evaluate full-sib progenies in multilocation replicated trails. Select promising half-sibs.
_ Season 3. Recombine selected full-sib. Cycle 1 Same as cycle C0
Genetic issues The genetic gain per cycle is given by:

where sFS is the phenotypic standard deviation of the full-sib families.


Full-sib family selection has been used for maize improvement. Selection response per cycle of about 3.3% has been recorded in maize.

3 Selfed families selection

An S1 is a selfed plant from the base population. The key features are generations S1 or S2 families, evaluating them in replicated multi-environment trials, followed by recombination of remnant seed from selected families.


_ Season 1. Self pollinate about 300 selected S0 plants. Harvest the selfed seed and keep the remnant seed of each S1.
_ Season 2. Evaluate S1 progeny rows to identify superior progenies.
_ Season 3. Random mate selected S1 progenies to form C1 cycle population. Genetic issues The main reason for this scheme is to increase the magnitude of additive genetic variance. In theory the genetic gain is given by:

where sA1 2 is the additive genetic variance among S1, and sPSA is the phenotypic standard deviation among S1 families. The additive genetic variation among S2 is
two times that of S1. The S1 and S2, theoretically, have the highest expected genetic gain per cycle for intrapopulation improvement. However, various reports
have indicated that, in practice, full-sib and test cross selection have produced greater genetic gain for both populations per se and the population crosses.


The S1 appears to be best suited for self-pollinated Species.It has been used in
maize breeding. One cycle is completed in three seasons in S1 and four seasons in S2. Genetic gain per cycle 3.3% has been recorded.

Family selection based on test cross

The key feature of this approach to selection is that it is designed to improve both the population per se as well as its combining ability. The choice of the tester is most critical to the success of the schemes. Using a tester to aid in selection increases the duration of a cycle by one year. The choice of a tester is critical to the success of a recurrent selection breeding program. The commonly used testers may be classified into two:a narrow genetic base tester, and a broad-genetic base tester. Broad-base testers are used for testing GCA in the population under improvement, whereas narrow genetic base testers are used to evaluate SCA and possibly GCA. Generally, plants are selected from the source population and selfed in year 1. Prior to intermating, the selected plants are crossed as females to a tester in year 2. Intermating of selected plants occur in year 3.


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