Contamination from outcrossing may produce
heterozygotes in the population. Unfortunately, where the dominance effect is
involved in the expression of the trait, heterozygotes are indistinguishable from
homozygous dominant individuals. Including heterozygotes in a naturally selfing
population will provide material for future segregations to produce new
off-types. Mass selection is most effective if the
expression of the trait of interest is conditioned
by additive gene action.
Mass selection may be conducted
in self-pollinated populations as well as cross-pollinated populations, but
with different genetic consequences. In self pollinated populations, the
persistence of inbreeding will alter population gene frequencies by reducing
heterozygosity from one generation to the next. However, in cross-pollinated populations,
gene frequencies are expected to remain unchanged unless the selection of plants
was biased enough to change the frequency of alleles that control the trait of
Mass selection is based on plant
phenotype. Consequently, it is most effective if the trait of interest has high
heritability. Also, cultivars developed by mass selection tend to be
phenotypically uniform for qualitative traits that are readily selectable in a
breeding program. This uniformity notwithstanding, the cultivar could retain significant
variability for quantitative traits. It is helpful if the selection environment
is uniform. This will ensure that genetically superior plants are distinguishable
from mediocre plants. When selecting for disease resistance, the method is more
effective if the pathogen is uniformly present throughout the field without
“hot spots”. Some studies have shown correlated response to selection in
secondary traits as a result of mass selection. Such a response may be
attributed to linkage or pleiotropy.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are both major advantages and disadvantages
of mass selection for improving self-pollinated species.
_ It is rapid, simple, and
straightforward. Large populations can be handled and one generation per cycle can
be used.
_ It is inexpensive to conduct.
_ The cultivar is phenotypically
fairly uniform even though it is a mixture of pure lines.
_ To be most effective, the
traits of interest should have high heritability.
_ Because selection is based on
phenotypic values, optimal selection is achieved if it is conducted in a uniform
_ Phenotypic uniformity is less
than in cultivars produced by pure line selection.
_ With dominance, heterozygotes
are indistinguishable from homozygous dominant genotypes. Without progeny
testing, the selected heterozygotes will
segregate in the next generation.
Mass selection may be direct or indirect. Indirect selection
will have high success if two traits result from pleiotropy or if the selected
trait is a component of the trait targeted for improvement. For example, researchers
improved the seed protein or oil by selecting on the basis of density
separation of the seed.
Pure-line selection
The theory of the pure line was developed in 1903
by the Danish botanist Johannsen. Studying seed weight of beans, he demonstrated
that a mixed population of self-pollinated species could be sorted out into
genetically pure lines. However, these lines were subsequently non-responsive
to selection within each of
them. Selection is a passive process, since it
eliminates variation but does not create it.The pure-line theory may be
summarized as follows:
_ Lines that are genetically
different may be successfully isolated from within a population of mixed genetic
_ Any variation that occurs
within a pure line is not heritable but due to environmental factors only.
Consequently, as Johansen’s bean study showed, further selection within the
line is not effective.
Lines are important to many breeding efforts. They are
used as cultivars or as parents in hybrid production. Also, lines are used in
the development of genetic stock
and synthetic and multiline cultivars.
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