Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2 Full-sib reciprocal recurrent selection

Developed by Hallauer and Eberhart as modifications of the method by Comstock and colleagues, the fullsib method requires at least one of the populations to be prolific. The recombination units are half-sibs. Developed for maize, full-sib families are produced by pairing plants from two populations, A and B. The top ear of a plant from population A is crossed with a plant from populations B. The lower ear is selfed to be saved as remnant seed. The same is done for the reciprocal plant from population B, if they have two ears, otherwise, they are selfed.

_ Season 1. Plant population A as females in an isolated block and population B as males in field 1. Plant population B as females and population A as males in field 2. The upper ears in each field are open pollinated, while the lower ears are protected and pollinated manually. The result is that the upper ear is an interpopulation half-sib family while the lower ear is an intrapopulation half-sib family.
_ Season 2. Evaluate 100–200 A _ B and B _ A halfsibs in replicated trials. Select best half-sibs from both sets of crosses.
_ Season 3. Plant the remnant seed of lower ears selfed by hand pollination that corresponds to the best A _ B half-sibs in ear-to-row as females.The males are the bulk remnant half-sib seed from population B corresponding to the best B _ A
crosses. They are randomly mated. The open pollinated seed in populations A and B are harvested to initiate the next cycle.


_ As compared to the half-sib method, one half of the families are evaluated in each cycle because the evaluation of each full-sib reflects the worth of two parental plants, one from each population.
_ Superior S0
_ S0 crosses may be advanced in further generations and evaluated as S1 _ S1, S2_ S2,. . . . . . ., Sn_ Sn to allow the breeder to simultaneously develop hybrids while improving the populations.

Genetic issues

Another advantage of this method is that additive genetic variance of full-sib families is twice that of the half-sib families. The expected genetic gain is given by:
where sPFS is the phenotypic standard deviation of the full-sib families.

The scheme has been used in crops such as maize and sunflower with reported genetic gains of the magnitudes of 2.17% for population per se and 4.90% for the population hybrid.

Optimizing gain from selection in population improvement

The goal of the breeder is to make systematic progress in the mean expression of the trait of interest from one cycle to the next. Achieving progressive gains in yield depends on several factors.
_ Genetic variance. As previously indicated, additive genetic variance is critical to increase in gains per cycle. Additive genetic variance can be increased
through increasing diversity in the entries used in population improvement.
_ Selection intensity. The rate of gain with selection is increased when selection intensity is increased. The number of individuals selected for recombination in each cycle should be limited to the best performers.
_ Generations per cycle. Breeder’s choice of the breeding system to use in a breeding project is influenced by how rapidly each cycle of selection can be completed. When possible, using 2–3 generations per year can increase yield gains. Multiple generations per year is achieved by using off-season nurseries, or planting in the dry season using irrigation.

_ Field plot technique. Breeders select in the field, often handling large numbers of plants. Heterozygosity in the field should be managed by using proper experimental designs to reduce random variation. Whenever possible, uniform fields should be selected for field evaluations. The cultural conditions 348 CHAPTER 17 should be optimized as much as possible.This practice will reduce variation between replications. Other factors to consider are plot sizes, number of plants per plot, number of replications per trial, and number of locations. Implemented properly, these factors reduce random variations that complicate experimental results.


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