A common approach to breeding for salt tolerance starts
with assembling and screening germplasm for salinity tolerance. The selected
genotypes are used as parents to transfer the trait to desired cultivars,
followed by selecting desirable recombinants from the segregating population.
This approach has yielded some success in species such as rice, wheat, and lucerne.
The challenge in breeding for salt tolerance is how to measure salinity
tolerance. Screening is commonly based on growth of plants under salt stress.
Two distinct mechanisms exist for salinity
Tolerance to the osmotic effect
of the saline solution
Tolerance to the cytotoxic effect
of Na entering the cell. In addition, the salt-specific nature of the soil
Screening for salinity tolerance, just like other
stress factors, is a long process and requires a large amount of space to
screen progeny from crosses. Screening for specific traits is quicker and more.One
of the most successful traits to incorporate
in salt-tolerance breeding to combat salt-specific
effects is the rate of Na accumulation in leaves. This is measured as the
increase in salt in a given leaf over a period. Selection for these ions was
used in breeding rice and lucerne cultivars with high salt tolerance. Traits
for osmotic effects are related to growth, for example, leaf elongation, root
elongation, shoot biomass, and leaf area expansion, the latter two being the most
effective indices. Molecular marker technology and genetic engineering
techniques are being used in salt-tolerance breeding efforts. Salinity
tolerance has been found in the wild species of crops such as tomato, pigeon
pea, and common bean.
Heat stress
Heat stress may be defined as the occurrence of
temperatures high enough for sufficient time to cause irreversible damage to
plant function or development. A heat resistant genotype is one that is more
productive than most other genotypes in environments where heat stress occurs.
Overview of heat stress concepts
Heat stress occurs to varying degrees in different
climatic zones. High temperatures can occur during the day or during the night.
Also, temperature effects can be atmospheric or in the soil. Air temperature
varies during the day and during the night. Annual crop species may be
classified into two categories according to maximum threshold temperatures as
either coolseason annuals or warm-season annuals. Cool-season species are more
sensitive to hot weather than warm-season species.
High night temperatures have detrimental effects on
the reproductive function of plants. It has been shown that there is a distinct
period during the 24-hour day cycle when pollen development is most sensitive
to high night temperatures. In cowpea, plants that were exposed to high temperature during
the last six hours of the night show significant decrease in pollen viability
and pod set. Further, this damage was more pronounced in long days than short
days. Other researchers also show that the stage of floral development most
sensitive to high night temperature was between 7 and 9 days before anthesis. Excessive
heat in the soil affects emergence of seedlings of both cool-season and
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