Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Applications and breeding efforts

Several herbicides are designed to function by the involvement of activated oxygen. These herbicides promote the accumulation of metabolic intermediates the plant. These herbicides are described as photobleaching herbicides. Other herbicides that depend on light and chlorophyll are paraquat and diquat. So far, few plants have been selected for tolerance to oxygen free radicals.

Flood stress

Whereas some plants are adapted to water-logged conditions, most plants need well-drained soils to grow properly.

Concepts associated with water-logging stress

In soybean, stress due to water-logging can reduce crop yield by 17–43% when it occurs at the vegetative stage and about 50–56% if the stress occurs at the reproductive stage. Floods are often caused by excessive rainfall due to a prolonged seasonal rainfall, or excessive rainfall after a long period of drought. The excessive amount of water quickly creates anoxic  soil conditions causing flood-sensitive plants to suffer anoxia or hypoxia. Fermentation occurs in plant roots under such conditions. Photosynthetic capacity of plants is significantly inhibited. Flood-tolerant species have certain adaptive mechanisms, such as the formation of aerenchyma and adventitious roots. Some studies indicate that root tissue survival under hypoxia depends on the fermentation rate and sufficient sugar supply to maintain cell
energy and membrane function.

Breeding efforts

Tolerance to water-logging appears to be quantitatively inherited. QTLs for tolerance to waterlogging have been reported in rice and soybean. Researchers at the International Rice Research Institute isolated the SUB1 locus that promotes tolerance to flooding. In conjunction with the Central. Rice Research Institute in India, a flood-resistant paddy rice variety “Swarna Sub1” that can tolerate submergence due to flash flood for 14 days has been developed.


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